Today's Tip for Families


You Can Discuss Sensitive Subjects With Teenagers

Maybe your teen's messy room has finally driven you crazy. Maybe the problem is more serious—you're afraid that your teen is drinking or engaging in other risky behavior.

From time to time, parents need to discuss sensitive topics with their teens. This isn't always easy.

To make sure your conversation has the best chance of success:

  1. Limit your discussion to one issue.
  2. State the issue clearly. If you think you're talking about making responsible choices but your teen thinks you're discussing grades, you're never going to see eye to eye.
  3. Attack the problem, not your teen.
  4. Adopt an "other-centered" attitude. Try to think about your teen's needs and feelings as well as your own.
  5. Listen to what your teen says and doesn't say.
  6. Agree on a plan of action.
  7. Test the plan.
  8. Reinforce any progress. ("I really appreciate your texting me yesterday to tell me the practice was running late.")
  9. Reevaluate as needed, which if you're dealing with a typical teen, may be frequently.

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Webster County Schools

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