Today's Tip for Families


A Strong Start Improves Test Success

When your teen takes a test, a minute or two of preparation before she begins answering questions can make a difference in her score. Share these test-taking strategies with your teen:

  1. Preview the test. If possible, your teen should read all the questions and note the point value of each.
  2. Figure out how much time to allow for each section. (Your teen shouldn't spend half her time on one problem that counts only 10 percent.)
  3. Write key information down. Your teen should move important formulas, dates and other essential material she studied from her head to the paper as soon as she gets the test. She can also jot down notes for essays.
  4. Read the directions. Can there be more than one correct answer? Will she be penalized for guessing?
  5. Answer the easy questions first. This builds confidence and helps your teen get every point she deserves.
  6. Circle key words in difficult questions. This will force your teen to focus on the most important point.
  7. Rewrite difficult questions. When your teen sees the question in her own words, she may get a better idea of the answer.
  8. Use all the time available. If your teen finishes early, she should cover up her answers and rework some questions. If she has an answer sheet, she should check it. Is her answer to question 41 on line 41?

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