Today's Tip for Families


Make Bedtime a Relaxing Time for Reading

If you are working with your child on reading during the day, you may think that it isn't so important anymore to read stories at bedtime. But there are plenty of good reasons to keep doing it.

Stories teach children many important lessons. Hearing them helps develop vocabulary and fluency. And research also shows that when parents read aloud, just the sound of the words—very different from conversational talking—can help soothe kids.

It's worth reestablishing the habit of reading to your child at bedtime. If you usually read once a week, try for two times this week. If you normally read for 10 minutes, stretch that to 15 minutes.

Make your bedtime reading time with your child a relaxing ritual. Don't answer the phone or discuss problems of the day. Enjoy the time you have together. You'll be building memories—and reading skills—for a lifetime.

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Allen Park Public Schools
Title I Program

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