Today's Tip for Families

[En español]


Put Your Child in Charge of a Family Newsletter

Like many families, yours may include relatives spread out across the country or the world. Your child may only get to see them once or twice a year, if at all.

Build your child's sense of family connection—and provide some writing practice—by helping your elementary schooler start a family newsletter.

To get started, have your child write letters or emails to other family members asking for news, pictures and any other information they would like to see in the newsletter. Then, using a computer at home or at the public library, your child can compile everyone’s news into a newsletter. The rest of your family can help with production and sending the newsletter out. Encourage your child to produce the newsletter several times over the year.

Your child will stay in touch with far away relatives, while also learning skills such as keyboarding, layout and management. Encourage your child to take pride in the work and in keeping the family connected.

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Gwinnett County Public Schools

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