Today's Tip for Families

[En español]


Develop Your Child's Sense of Responsibility

Kids who learn responsibility at home are more responsible at school. And when families start developing this trait early, children accept responsibility as part of growing up.

It's helpful for families to reinforce responsibility at the start of the school year. This makes it more natural for students to bring responsibility learned at home into the classroom.

Here are five simple tips to instill responsible behavior:

  1. Never do for your child what your child can do independently. Instead, take time to teach your child how to do things. Assist with schoolwork, but don't take over.
  2. Give your child household responsibilities. Assign simple tasks like setting the table, feeding a pet or clearing the dishes. Work up to more complex jobs like washing dishes. Make sure your child—not you—picks up clothes, toys, books and other items after using them.
  3. Post a weekly list of chores. Use pictures of tasks for young children. Have a place for family members to check off completed tasks. After you check your child's work, place a star or sticker on the chart.
  4. Don't remind, nag, scold or complain when your child neglects responsibilities. Instead, explain in advance what's expected and the consequences for not doing what's expected. Then, enforce the consequences.
  5. Make a list of fun activities that are allowed after work is done—a snack, outdoor play, computer time. This will motivate your child to complete tasks quickly. It also keeps a balance between work and play.

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Gwinnett County Public Schools

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