Today's Tip for Families

[En español]


Manage Your Child's Negative Outlook

Some children seem to be born in a bad mood. As babies, they fuss about everything. And, researchers say, that negative outlook may not change much as they grow.

You may not be able to change your child's personality. But you can help your student cope.

Here are some tips:

  1. Accept the person your child is. Constantly being told to "cheer up" can make kids even more unhappy. Your child is not negative on purpose.
  2. Don't give your child more attention for being negative than for being positive. This sends the message that negativity is an effective tool for getting your attention. Give your child lots of attention regardless of mood.
  3. Listen to your child's complaints—up to a point. Children need to be able to express their real feelings and feel heard and understood. But constant repetition won't help.
  4. Change the topic when complaining goes on and on. Ask a question about something your child feels positive about.
  5. Focus on your child's positive traits. Keep what you like about your child in mind.

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