Today's Tip for Families


Help Your Child Find Answers at the Library

"Where does the sun go at night?" "Why do camels have humps on their backs?" Asking questions is an important way children learn.

Some of your child's questions are easy to answer. "No, you can’t stay up until after midnight. Tomorrow is a school day."

Other questions are probably harder to answer. When your child asks you a question you can’t answer, you might look online. But sometimes, say, "Let’s look up the answer the next time we go to the library." Take out an index card and write the question on it. Then when you visit the library, take the index cards. Look in the reference books the library has available, or check the library catalog for books on the topics. Then sit with your child as he reads the answers to his questions.

Your child will learn several important lessons. First, he’ll discover the answers to his questions. Second, he’ll learn that the library contains answers to lots of questions. Finally, he’ll learn some important research skills.

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Webster County Schools

[School Success Ideas for Families]

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