Today's Tip for Families

[En español]


Include Key Elements in Your Summer Schedule

One of the reasons kids love summer is that it’s a time when they don't have teachers telling them when to do what.

But children still need some structure to their day. Otherwise, they may spend day after day watching or playing on screens and never get around to activities that will strengthen their bodies and minds and help them learn.

Whether or not your child will participate in camps or other activities outside your home, some basic elements should be part of a basic daily schedule. Be sure to include large blocks of time for play. Plan time for exercise and fresh air. Also include reading time. Build in time weekly when all family members work on chores around the house.

And although you may relax rules on bedtime, don’t give them up altogether. Keeping to a regular sleep schedule will make it much easier for your child to readapt to a school year schedule in the fall.

Brought to you by:

Nye County Schools
Pahrump, NV

[School Success Ideas for Families]

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